T-Shirt - Garage
Pants - Jacob
Shoes - Crocs
So, today was day two of working at EcoSource as the Food Security Education Facilitator! Honestly, I was going from place to place to place (Hillside Community Garden to Sheridan Mall for PICS workshop to Eden Community Food Bank to Iceland Teaching Garden). It was really busy and hectic, but it was so much fun! I really really do enjoy being outside and getting to know more about nature and organic gardening and all of that.
So, actually, this picture was taken like at 11pm (after I got home) after seeing Despicable Me 2!!! SO CUTE OMG! This pic is from DP1 but still omg minions are so cute omg.
Anyway, so I was actually wearing the EcoSource shirt all day (10am to 6pm) but I brought a thin tshirt with me to change into. But the pants are brown, which masks all of the dirt and soil that are probably on them. I didn't actually wear these shoes either... but I cannot display my shoes because they're soaked and dirt covered.
Also, I was complaining to a co-op student about how my fashion blog is probably going to turn into "how to style a grey t-shirt (EcoSource's)" all summer... But I think I can wear actual clothing! And I hope to be spending most of my evenings out doing actual things because I have no other free time this summer.
My first day of work (yesterday) was just in the office though, and I was quite excited about what I was wearing! However I didn't end up getting a good picture... So this is the best I could do! It's the same shirt from a post a couple months ago? May? Not sure not sure.
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